Digital marketing is all about creating your own digital or physical products.  On the other hand, affiliate marketing is a sub-category of digital marketing that focuses on promoting another company’s products.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is marketing products online and using any form of digital technologies to ultimately drive traffic to your offers, make sales, and spread your message.  

It encompasses a wide variety of marketing channels and platforms.  One way to think about it is that digital marketing includes selling both your own products at your own set price in addition to other company’s products for a  commission at a percentage of the sale price.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing on the other hand is all about selling other company’s products for a certain commission percentage.  Consequently, it comes under the umbrella of digital marketing.  

In addition, affiliate marketing is a model that I recommend all business owners incorporate.  This is especially true when you’re just starting out and trying to make your first dollar online.

Let’s be real, making money online is NO EASY TASK.  It’s difficult, time-consuming, and requires sheer dedication.  Those principles hold true for any business.

If there’s one thing I could pinpoint for you to do if you’re just starting out, it would be to stay laser-focused on promoting one affiliate product until you’ve got a sizeable income (whatever number you see fit).

Far too often, we chase product after product thinking that eventually we’ll find the rights one.  The truth is that you just need to FOCUS and take massive action.  You’ll soon be on the other side before you know.  

Now, let’s take a look at what I consider the top 2 platforms to be promoting on right now.

The Top 2 Digital Platforms To Promote Products On

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after being in the digital marketing space for awhile now, it would be that super targeted traffic is FAR better than mounds of cold traffic.

Why?  Because with super targeted traffic you have the opportunity to connect and engage an audience that is on the cusp of buying and purchasing either your own product or through your affiliate link.  Now that’s powerful.
How do you get super targeted traffic?

The single best method I’ve found to date to get super targeted traffic is to focus your marketing efforts on search based content promotion channels.  In other words, Google and YouTube.  Sure there are other search based platforms, but these two are my favorites… like I said I may be a little biased.


Affiliate Marketing Resources